Setup BackTrack R5Setup BackTrack R5

This guide will show you how to download and setup BackTrack 5 to either boot off of USB, DVD, or dual-boot. Backtrack 5 is a linux build filled with a bunch of useful penetration testing tools, and will be used in the WiFi hacking tutorials as well as hacking PC tutorials. USB methodusing just a U…

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How to run multiple whatsapp account on one phone – ROOTHow to run multiple whatsapp account on one phone – ROOT

 If you don’t know what is rooting or want to root your mobile phone then just click here . NON Root Method here -> click here for non root method We are not responsible if anything happens to your phone while rooting or modifying any system files . Stock firmwares are stable for each android , mod…

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How to run multiple whatsapp account on one phone – NON-ROOTHow to run multiple whatsapp account on one phone – NON-ROOT

So now comes the non root method , ROOT METHOD HERE -> click here So for non root method you need to install a mod whatsapp called as OG whats app . Credits to the owner . Kustom Hackers and learnhacking supports OG whats app and XDA develops. First of all, You need to have 2 SIM cards working whic…

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