When ever you delete any file , its not deleted permanently , windows just marks the file space as available but file data is still there to be recovered . Some times as a hacker we need to completely delete the file . So here’s the trick on how to delete any file permanently .
Windows has a built in tool which can overwrite all available spaces so our files don’t get recovered . so lets start .
Step 1 . Press ctrl + r or click on start menu and go to run
Step 2 . Type cmd
Step 3 . Type cipher /w:X ( where x is the letter of the drive for example e drive or d drive )
Step 4 . press enter .
Now you are all done .
Method 2 : Just download trash tool like File Scraper or shredder which can overwrite all the deleted files automatically . You can also use c cleaner to clean up space on your computer .
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