How to Create a News Ticker The Blog

Here are the steps - steps to make it: 
1. Login to your blogger respectively. 
2. Then select add gadget / gadget added. 
3. Choose HTML. 
4. Then Enter the code:

<Script type = "text / javascript">  
var hn_url_blog = ""; 
var hn_jumlah_post = 10; 
var hn_warna_latar = "white"; 
var hn_warna_garis = "black"; 
var hn_posisi = "bottom" ; 
var hn_tampilkan_judul = true; 
var hn_backlink = true; 
</ script> 
<script src=""> 
</ script>

5. Posts are colored red please adjust to the will of man. 
6. Then Save and View.

1 blogger-facebook:
